Campaign Hindquarters

Reaction to the Bella-Douglas campaign from around the country and the world:

"Katz? Katz is running for President? I just saw him last week at a bar mitzvah and...oh, wait a minute..." - Senator Joe Liebermanx

"Yes, I did try catnip, you ***hole." - George W. Catnipbush

"Douglas is a formidable opponent on defense. I'm worried." - Richard
Choke-Chainey, Former Secretary of Defense

"No way. If Bella wins she'll change the flag to Stripes and Stripes. Don't vote for Bella!" - Russian Blue Limbaugh

"A cat for president? WRONG! Unless it's a Scottish Fold, of course." -
John ManxLaughlin, The ManxLaughlin Group

"I invented the Manx cat." - Vice President Claw Gore

"I think we have quite an interesting race unfolding for Campaign 2000." -
Tom Brokenclaw, NBC

"I am quite pleased to see a qualified Black candidate for Vice-President."
- The Reverend Al Sharptooth

"The American system needs to be shaken, not stirred. Go Bella!" - Sir Sean Cattery, Scottish Fold

"For meat-eaters, they're pretty gear. I wish Martha were still around to see them." - Sir Paul Manxartney, British Shorthair

"I bow to Bella and Douglas." - Emperor Akita of Japan

"We are amused that another tail-free candidate is standing for election."
- His Royal Highness Prince Charles of Welsh Corgis

"Ay ay ay. No me gusta. Muerte a Bella y Douglas. Viva Karl Manx!" - Fidel
Catstro, El Litter, Havana Browns

"Anything that Catstro is against is fine with me. Viva Bella!" -
Manxisleysis Gonzalez, Miami Havana Browns

"My tail is better." - Vincente Fox, President, Manxico

"Cats don't drive, so they don't use much oil. I think we're in trouble if they win." - Sheik Abi Synnian, Saudi Arabia

"The Bella-Douglas ticket shows how well the striped and black can work together." - Nelson Manxdela

"We're for Bella and Douglas if you please, We're for Bella and Douglas if you don't please." - Ohwatagoosiam, King of Siamese

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