Campaign Hindquarters

November 1, 2000

From all over the world, an unprecendented gathering of Manx and other types of felines gathered at our nation's capitol on Halloween to celebrate the Bella - Douglas campaign for the White House.

As famed dobro guitar player Jerry Douglas played a moving rendition of "Two Friends", the Manx Party duo of Bella and Douglas ran out onto the stage, greeted by cat calls from over one million supporters.

"I have no tail!", declared the appendage-free candidate, as she launched into her rousing new stump speech. (The full text will be available here soon). The speech was greeted with a chorus of shrieking meows.

Unable to continue speaking due to the ovation, the crowd was finally quieted for several minutes when a stray balloon passed overhead.

Due to voice impairments, VP candidate Douglas was unable to talk at the rally. However, in a slap in the face to allegations of marshmallow addiction, he threw to the gathering thousands of the sugary snacks imprinted with "Vote Douglas - Get Lucky".

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